momento mori – cimitero monumentale milano

momento mori – cimitero monumentale milano – by © peter walther gartmann – art photography – art picture collection susanne minder

momento mori – cimitero monumentale milano

art photography – © by Peter Walther Gartmann



Be aware of your mortality!

Life is a moment – a second – less than a speck of dust – a small breath.


momento mori – The Cimitero Monumentale in Milan is the most magnificent of all Italy’s cemeteries and of breathtaking beauty. It reflects the country’s rich history and culture. This monumental cemetery is more than just a final resting place; it is a true treasure, capturing the artistry of some of the greatest artists in stone and marble, presented in an impressive variety of styles and forms.


Greek temples rise here, reminiscent of ancient times, and Egyptian pyramids create a mystical atmosphere. Tall obelisks soar into the sky as powerful symbols against the transience of life. These monuments and tombs are not only artistic masterpieces, but also express the human desire to leave a lasting impression even after death.




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art book – the secret life cimitero monuentale milano  imprint


published by:  Antoinette Blanc

artworks – photography:  Peter Walther Gartmann

editorship:  Sabina Roth

design:  Susanne Minder

copyright:  © Peter Walther Gartmann


cimitero monumentale milano


Nowhere is death more beautiful than in Milan.


In this cemetery, you will find figures of Christ radiating hope and consolation, as well as sphinxes guarding the secrets of humanity. Every deceased person here seems to want to make an impression in the afterlife, whether through ornate sculptures or impressive architecture.


The works of art, some of which are over 100 years old, are rich in pathos and arouse intense emotions in their viewers. The sculptures and statues on the tombs reflect the troubled emotional world of the bereaved, as they throw themselves over the graves and gaze longingly at the heavens beyond. Here one sees grief, despair, lethargy and an ecstatic longing for the unknown, the beyond. These emotions have been carved in stone and come to life in a fascinating way.


It is a place that invites not only remembrance, but also wonder and reflection about humanity, its dreams and its quest for immortality. A visit to this cemetery is a journey through space and time and the human soul.








further pictures and artworks – by peter walther gartmann – look at susanne minder art collection



see more art photography from the series – cimitero monumentale milano – momento mori art photography by peter walther gartmann – art + photography, switzerland – art picture collection susanne minder


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