the disappearance of the past

the disappearance of the past – artworks – by © peter gartmann – art photography – art picture collection susanne minder

the disappearance of the past

artworks – by © Peter Gartmann


the disappearance of the past – published in the book peter walther gartmann.


The dissolution of the past into nothing – the last pieces before forgetting. Peter Gartmann interprets the capturing of memories by means of images in his photos „the disappearance of the past“.


In his pictures, Peter Gartmann shows a world in which the reality of the past is only barely recognizable, blurred or has almost disappeared. The memories are lost in the space of speechlessness.




where do we come from?

What is the meaning of being? Why do the images of life lose their lustre and disappear into nothingness? Who gives the storm warnings when people no longer know what they are doing? Memories of a life – in the past – like an echo from far away. Where is it now in our lives?


Suddenly it’s gone, what was in us before – disappeared into thin air one morning – dissolved – without ground, without walls. Like places that have left us.





„There will come a time, however, when nothing will be of greater interest than truthful memories of the past.“


Walt Whitman





more pictures – by peter gartmann – on instagram


Disappearance das verschwinden


Martin Dornes befasst sich mit neueren Versuchen zur Abschaffung der Vergangenheit in der Entwicklungspsychologie.


Das sich ständig steigernde Modernisierungstempo zeitgenössischer Gesellschaften scheint die Vergangenheit zum Verschwinden zu bringen, indem es zu einer generellen Entwertung von Erfahrung und zu einer fast ausschliesslichen Konzentration auf das Hier und Jetzt führt.


So dass das zukünftige Leben nicht mehr die (früh)kindliche Erfahrungen, Verhalten und Fühlen in seinem Leben mitbringt.




art book – peter walther gartmann – imprint


published by:  Antoinette Blanc

artworks – photography:  Peter Walther Gartmann

editorship:  Sabina Roth

design:  Susanne Minder

copyright:  © Peter Walther Gartmann






further pictures and artworks – by peter gartmann – look at susanne minder art collection



see more artworks from the series – the disappearance of the past – das verschwinden der vergangenheit – by peter gartmann – art + photography, switzerland – art picture collection susanne minder



see also art photography from the series – wenn der schnee fällt – when the snow falls – by peter gartmann – art + photography, switzerland – art picture collection susanne minder


look also at art photography from the series – verloren im nichts – lost in nothingness – by sabina roth – art + photography, switzerland – art picture collection susanne minder


see also art photography from the series – venice – venezia – venedig – by peter gartmann + sabina roth – art + photography, switzerland – art picture collection susanne minder
